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SEO for dentists: Thousands of visitors to your website


Auteur: Jerry Groot
Leestijd: 10 min

Jerry Groot – Owner en Consultant

Healthcare is evolving, and we are here to assist practices in adapting to these changes while maintaining their own identities.

SEO for dentists: Thousands of visitors to your website

In this article you will read:

  • What SEO looks like for dentists
  • Two types of SEO that you can apply directly as a dentist 
  • How you determine your SEO strategy

SEO for dentists

A large majority of people who search in Google click on a search result in the organic results. This majority is 90%. Investing in effective SEO for your website is therefore an important and sustainable strategy for growth in website visitors.

If we translate this into the enormous search volumes for oral care-related search terms and questions that are asked in Google, then we can only draw one conclusion: Investing in SEO is very lucrative for dentists.

Preconditions for this are that your website is very user-friendly and that it is designed to convert visitors into customers.

In the market we observe the following:

  • Hundreds of thousands of people search for a dentist in Google every month
  • Millions of people ask questions about oral care solutions in Google
  • Few dentists have set up their website, SEA and SEO properly

As a dentist you can therefore utilize an enormous market potential with targeted SEO. In addition, it is also good for the competition of your dental practice.

On-page SEO for your practice website

Google must be able to recognize from the structure and content of your website that you are a dental practice. At the same time, this should also be clear to people looking for a dentist online or looking for information about treatments or oral complaints.

Because SEO has a few hundred criteria, we keep it for the readability of this article on a few basics with which you can already lay a good foundation.

  • Let search terms and questions about oral care appear in the texts on your website in a natural way.
  • Make sure that headers and subtitles of texts are provided with H1, H2 or H3 tags in the code of the website. For example, Google can recognize that a piece of text is about root canal treatments, for example.
  • Use external links to websites such as https://www.ntvt.nl/ to show that you have a certain authority in the field of oral care, for Google and for your visitors.
  • Make sure the url of your page matches the content and use relevant search terms.

The majority of searches on Google are organic clicks

Dental care blogs for dentists

When creating a website, the above mentioned activities are usually performed only once. Think of it as the foundation of a house; you make it (if all goes well) only once.

Keep in mind that once your website is “finished”, it may take a while before you get (new) visitors. If you are not going to advertise with Google Ads or you are not making any extra effort to make your website easier to find, it can really take months to a year before Google starts ranking your website well.

You can attract more visitors from the group of 90% if you ensure that your website is better recognized by people who have questions about oral complaints or other topics that are relevant to them and for which a dentist, endodontologist or implantologist can offer a solution.

Here is a selection of the enormous amount of questions that a dentist can answer perfectly and where he can deliver value:

  • What does a dental crown cost?
  • What does a dentist do for inflamed gums?
  • Not been to the dentist for years, what now?

When you consistently add blog articles to your website, your website becomes bigger, more visible and more relevant to the questions you answer.

Thousands of website visitors

Ahrefs and Google Search Console for oral care

There are various software programs with which you can properly assess whether the SEO activities are well matched to search terms and people’s questions and which, on the other hand, are properly assessed and recognized by Google. Two very suitable programs that we use for this are Ahrefs and Google Search Console.

In Ahrefs we can see the questions and search terms about oral care in Google. That gives a good indication of whether it makes sense to write blogs about something and how much you should write about.

Google Search Console measures the data from your website. You can see how Google sees and reads your website, on which words and word combinations the pages are displayed and which are clicked and how many there are.

We are SEO experts for dentists

We have created dozens of websites for dentists. We have also helped them with new registrations through effective Google Ads ad campaigns and we have written hundreds of blogs about oral care.

We therefore know exactly how to use SEO for a dental practice website. We can also help you as a dentist to follow a specific strategy. You may have a specialization or preference for certain target groups.

Thanks to the unique combination of medical knowledge, specific dental knowledge and knowledge of the internet and care recipient, we know exactly what we need to do to make SEO work optimally for you.

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